Officer Joe Cairns

Officer Joe Cairns has been assigned as the SRO for the Barnstable United Elementary School. Officer Cairns began his career in Law Enforcement in June of 1987 with the Barnstable Police Department and during that time has served in several different capacities including: marine officer, mountain bike officer, field training officer, civil rights officer, juvenile detective and sexual assault investigator. Officer Cairns also was the co-creator of the Adopt-a-School program and was the first SRO for Barnstable Police Department serving Barnstable High School from 1999-2005 in that role.

Officer Cairns is very excited about the opportunity to work with the 4th and 5th graders from Barnstable in developing a strong bond with the youth of our community. It is very important in this role to establish great trust and to be a positive influence with our young students for their future here in not only Barnstable but this great country we all live together in.
