File a Letter of Appreciation

Have You Seen Us Going Above and Beyond the Call of Duty?

Let us hear about it!

The Barnstable Police Department is proud of its employees, both sworn officers and civilians alike and we welcome positive comments about our service or personnel. We are proud to recognize those who have gone above and beyond their duties in serving our community and we invite you to let us know about the individuals responsible for these acts.

A letter of appreciation for a job well done fosters pride among our employees and boosts morale in a job where we tend to hear more about the bad things we are perceived to have done instead of the good things not everyone sees us doing. Please feel free to take a few minutes to pass on your positive comments by completing the form below.

Please complete as many fields as possible so that we can identify the Department employee(s) to whom your message corresponds.

Recognition Form

Please mail completed form to:
Barnstable Police Department
Attn: Lieutenant Mellyn
1200 Phinney’s Lane
Hyannis, MA 02601

You may also download a Recognition form from this website.

Recognition Form

Mail completed form to:
Barnstable Police Department
Attn: Lieutenant Mellyn
PO Box B
Hyannis, MA 02601

Or, you may deliver the completed form in person to the Barnstable Police Department Headquarters located at:
1200 Phinney’s Lane
Hyannis, MA 02601
