Citizen’s Police Academy

“Building a Partnership”

Welcome Back – We are now accepting applications for the 2024 Fall Citizens Police Academy. The class will be held every Wednesday from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. for 9 weeks.
CPA 2024 Application
All applications due by October 16, 2024 by 4:00 p.m.

What is the Citizens Police Academy?

The Citizens Police Academy (CPA) is a unique program which allows citizens from our community to come into the police station and see how we work and who we are.

Students not only hear and learn about how we are trained and work, but they also get to see us in action. Through the ride-a-long stage, participants are able to ride with an officer for part of their shift and see how we put all of our training and experience together to serve the town of Barnstable.

Over the years the past sessions have enjoyed every aspect of the academy from instructional classes and demonstrations to hands on participation. Some highlights include the history of the BPD, department operations, law, patrol tactics, OUI enforcement, drugs, domestic violence and many other subjects. Students will learn about our detective and narcotic units, how police canines are utilized and will meet with members of our many specialty units. CPA participants will have the opportunity to meet and talk with many of the patrol officers as well as the command staff. All of the classes are taught by members of the Barnstable Police Department.

The academy consists of nine weeks of classes that meet weekly for approximately three hours on a weeknight. Along with the classroom meetings there will be an opportunity to take a tour of the Barnstable County House of Corrections and fire a police issued pistol at a local gun range

Sessions are held each fall at the Barnstable Police Department headquarters located at 1200 Phinney’s Lane in Hyannis. Class size is limited and typically fills up early in the year. All interested persons must complete an application and give permission to the Barnstable Police Department to conduct a criminal history record check / background investigation. The background check will be for academy purposes only and will be kept confidential.

35th CPA Session Fall 2024

29th Session Graduates

Individuals interested in attending the next CPA session should download an application and mail it in or drop it off anytime. Any questions send an email to Lt. Michael Clark

Lt. Clark, Sgt. Cronin, and Ptl. Leger 
CPA Photo Gallery

Photos of CPA sessions past and present

For up to date photos please visit the BPD Facebook Page

Barnstable Police Department is now accepting applications
until February 28, 2025

Summer Community Services Officer Application
